The 5 Legg's

Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Playlist

It's late and I am tiered , so the post about our Christmas and the fun and joy that we have had will have to wait. I did however want to put my new play list on the blog.

The story about the play list is simple and silly.

As most of you know , I had the opportunity to be raised out side of the U.S. This meant that what little T.V. I did watch was in Spanish. When we would hit U.S. soil we ( the 5 kids) would eat, drink, sleep, and pee all while watching " American" T.V. My parents were always amazed that we could memorize the theme songs and commercials, but could not remember our multiplication tables, or the Latin word list we had, or the chemicals chart, but in a matter of days we had every show theme song and commercials down pat.

So anyway, this Christmas I was able to see all my brothers and sisters. I got to feeling a little nostalgic. I can remember sitting in different hotels all over the U.S. watching T.V. with my brothers and sisters. Eating as much " real American " food as we possibly could , and shopping for real cloths. So I put together a play list of some of the shows that I could remember off hand. I know there are so many more, and as time goes on I am sure to add to my list. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and that your New Year will be spent with loved ones. ( Derrick and I will be dancing the night away at the stake dance. You are all invited to join us) Remember that you are loved , and that I am so thankful for all you do.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Another crazy week has come and gone, and I am finally starting to feel the magic of Christmas. It is so nice to have time to enjoy each other. I love waking up to the sound of the kids playing , or watching T.V. I love drinking hot chocolate with Derrick and the kids in the middle of the day. I love having time to read my favorite Christmas book ( The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey) if you haven't read it, it is a definite must read. I love that the hustle and bustle is behind us, and now we can think of what is really important . It is sad that it has taken us till now, but at least we got here.

Monday I went on yet another field trip. The kids love them , and I know how blessed I am to be able to go with them.

Tuesday was bread making day. I made home made bread and delivered that along with some of the pear jelly I canned this summer. Nothing to big, but it came from the heart. Also got to visit with one of the sister I visit teach. I have grown a strong testimony of how important visiting teaching is. I also got to visit with one of the sisters I serve with in the Stake Relief Society. I can't put into words how thankful I am to be able to serve the sisters in our stake, and to work along side such strong sisters. I am learning so much, and I am so thankful for the opportunity.

That night was the schools big Christmas performance. I used the new camera my mother in law got for me for Christmas, and none of the pictures turned out. i was totally bummed. User error I know. I am hopping to figure the camera out by Christmas so I can have incredible pictures. Porter class and the kindergarten class sag the cutest song about a pickle in the Christmas tree. Everyone laughed !! I was so proud of Audra, because she is in the choir she had to stay up on stage for 3/4 of the program and she did a great job. I know it is hard for most to understand but for us this is huge. She didn't sit the "wrong" way, or fidget, or stem . She was right on cue to stand up and sit down, she sang and did all the actions. This is a BIG thing for her, to be up on stage and not have a melt down is so great.

Brooklyn is right at home up on stage. She loves it. She sang and did her actions, and looked great . She is such a sweet and helpful little girl. This week she had a hard situation come up, and I was so proud of the way she handled it. She is so much stronger than I was at her age, and I am so thankful for that.

Wednesday was another bread day ( still don't have bread made for everyone I need to, so guess what I will be doing Monday.) We had a great time delivering some of the bread I had made to different families. We decided that as we delivered we would sing to whom ever answered the door. Poor Casey had to listen to us sing for way to long. ( it's the thought that counts right.)

Thursday , I was able to sub at the school. This time it was 7th and 8th grade History.Those kids know way more than I think I ever knew. I worked until 4:30 ( I was also in charge of the after school adventure program. ) We got home and we rushed to do homework and get some dinner made, and then Brooklyn and I were off to dress rehearsal.

Friday I spent the morning making more bread. This time for all the kids teachers. Then I was out the door to a field trip with Brooklyn. Then back to the school for all the fun Christmas parties. SO MICH FUN, but also SO stressful.
Friday night was Brooklyn's dance recital. She did such a great job, and loves to dance so much. Needless to say the make up came off as soon as we walked though the door. She looked WAY to grown up.

Today I woke up at 7:30 , just to take my pills, and then it was back to bed until 10:15. I had a quick breakfast , and got to work cleaning the closets. In my house this is these are the most disorganized mess. I clean them out 4 times a year, and it was time for the winter clean. ( gotta make room for stuff they are getting for Christmas.) My awesome husband took care of the rest of the house cleaning. He cleaned the bathrooms, dusted, vacuumed, mopped the floors, cleaned the kitchen, kept the wash going. Ye, I am very well aware that I married up. So, the house looks great , and the closets are in order .

My sister Nen came into town, and came to see the kids and I tonight. Oh, how I wish they could move back home. Her girls are so cute and sweet. I was able to meet Trent , and oh my gosh , he is almost as cute as Porter was when he was a baby ( love ya Nen.) We had a nice visit, and just let the kids go nuts.

Derrick is hard at work tonight. I was able to speak to him on the phone a little bit ago, and he said the store was destroyed. LOT'S of shoppers today.

We are so blessed that he has a good career at Boise Cascade , as well as his little part time job at Target, and that I am able to sub every once in a while.

We will be missing some of Derrick's family this Christmas ( Mom and Dad Legg, will be in California for the B.S.U. game. Bubba and his family will also be in California. J.O. and Bee will be in Rexburg,so for the first time in our whole married life it's just us on Christmas Eve. We have invited Nate and Teri over that night for dinner and to just hang with us ( actually 2 more sets of hands would be great to have, as we try to get everything together.) Ha, Ha.

We celebrated Christmas with The Legg's last Sunday. I actually liked this idea. The kids got some new toys and stuff . So they have all their new stuff from Grandma to play with all this week. Which means no board kids !!! Good thinking Grandma and Grandpa Legg. Although we will miss you at Christmas , it was so great to celebrate a little early.

Shingles are starting to dry out. They hurt even more than before.I just keep going. Dr. says they will go away faster if I " chill out" and slow down. Yet another reason I am exited about having some time to actually 'chill".

I hope everyone is doing well. Please remember that you are loved, and that I am SO thankful for you, and all that you do.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Told ya it was NUTS

This last week was NUTS!!We had such a fun, and busy week that it is hard to know where to start. The most important event of the week was Porter's birthday party. He turned 7 on the 4th , but with that being concert week, we waited to celebrate until the following Sunday. Porter and his cousin Kaden share a birthday, and this year we celebrated their birthdays together. We had a cake, all decorated in the blue and orange football field. The boys loved it. Porter had a great time with his cousins , aunt and uncles, grandmas and grandpas. We are truly so blessed to have almost all of our families live so close. It is such a blessing in our lives.Porter was just a little exited to get a new scooter. ( it works great on the ramp grandpa made him) I can't believe he is 7. He is such a sweet, soft hearted little man. He bring such joy, and laughter into our lives. We are so blessed the our Father in Heaven has given us the opportunity to be his parents. What a blessing!!

On Monday I headed out to one of the many field trips of the week. Audra's class, along with the 8th grade went to see " A Christmas Carol". We had a great time watching the play, and especially watching my brother LaMont and his wife Kea, and 3 of their 4 kids act , sing and dance. I screamed for them at the end and totally embarrassed Audra ( isn't that my job, as her Mom.)

Tuesday I had the blessing of helping serve lunch at the Salvation Army. I LOVE to go and help. It brings me such joy. My companion and I went Visiting Teaching after, and were able to help one of the sisters we visit. I am so thankful for the opportunities to serve.

Wednesday was Porter's day off. I am a Mom that believes that kids can and do get just as overwhelmed and overworked as we grownups do, so every once in a while a day off is needed. So, on Wednesday Porter had a day off from school. He got to sleep in, take a long bath ( after I gave him a hair cut) We played Indiana Jones, built train tracks, played on the computer, and went and had lunch with Daddy . After lunch we went to the park. ( I can't believe it is December and we can still go to the park) It was a great time for us. Totally a Porter day, nothing to big, just some good quality time with Mom and Dad. That night Audra went caroling . She had such a good time.She finds such joy in music, and I was so happy that she wanted to go, and that she had a good time.

Thursday, I subbed in Brooklyn's class. Need I say more.That night Derrick had his first meeting for his new calling. ( for those who may not know, Derrick was called as the 1st counselor in the stake young men's presidency.) He is exited , but sad to leave is calling as ward clerk. He has loved working with the men in the bishopric, and has such a great love for our bishop. He will miss that calling, but is exited to serve in the young men organization. We have already hit our first little snag. We found out that girls camp and Apex are on the same week. Don't know how we are going to work that out. It would be great if Audra could do girls camp without Mom, but she made it very clear, that if I don't go she won't go. So I guess we are going to have to figure that out, and like I said earlier, I am SO thankful we have family so close. Brooklyn, had dance practice that night as well. She got her costume for the upcoming recital. She is just a little EXITED. She is such a sweet girl. It is fun, yet very hard to see her grow up. She is such a help to me. She looks like me, but has so many of Derricks attitudes. She is a calming force, a real peace maker.

Friday was Audra's choir field trip. originally they were going to go on Thursday, but had to move things around . They went to Karcher Mall, and sang Christmas carols,had lunch, and did some shopping. I was in charge of a group of 5 girls ( including Audra) I know I have said this before, but I Love this school. The girls in our group included Audra in the conversation. They ask her questions and opinions. They sat with her at lunch , and she LOVED it . I was so happy I was there. They are good girls, and they truly like Audra. It's not one of those things that they just stand by her, or look at her funny when she says or does something "out of the norm" When she does do something , they just go along with it, they don't judge her. We feel so blessed that she has that feeling of acceptance. After llunch, we went over to Karcher Estates and sang for some of the residence . What a great experience for the kids. We all had a laugh as the fire alarm went off as they were caroling in the halls.

Friday night we went ornament shopping. This is a tradition in our family. Every year we all get a new Christmas ornament. I is so interesting to see what ornaments the kids are going to pick. Every year as we pull them out to put on the tree the kids love to see, and remember where and when they got different ornaments.

O.k. I think that covers most of the goings on of our little family. So, as I said in my little song ( see blog entry below) I don't see how in the world the doctor thinks I am going to "chill out".
I did get some new meds, and they haven't made me sick"yet". I am so thankful to live in a place and time where I can go see a doctor, and have access to medicine. What a blessing to have good family and friends who help me, and love me. I am truly blessed to have an awesome husband who is my true eternal help mate. Shingles hurt, and it is not a lot of fun, but it could be so much worse.

Please remember that you are loved, and that I am So thankful for you, and all that you do. Love ya, Cork

Friday, December 12, 2008

Shingle Pain ( to the tune of Jingle Bells)

Chorus: Shingle pain, Shingle pain. Shingles on my back. Oh what pain they are to me. Well they ever go away ay.Shingle pain, Shingle pain. Shingles on my back. Oh, what pain they are to me . Will they ever go away?

I have these nasty shingles. All along my back, there growing up my side , and oh my heck they hurt. I went to see the doctor, he told me to "chill out". I was to late to get the shot, and know the pills won't work.

Chorus: Shingle pain, shingle pain. Shingels on my back. Oh, what pain they are to me. Will they ever go away, ay.Shingle pain, Shingle pain. Shingles on my back. Oh, what pain they are to me. Will they ever go away.

I know this song is lame , but I needed a laugh. It's either laugh or cry, and guess what I have chose. I can't do much else, so hears my lame brain song. I hope the rest of all of you are able to "chill out".

Chorus: Shingle pain, shingle pain. Shingles on my back. Oh, what pain they are to me . Will they ever go away, ay? Shingle pain, Shingle pain. Shingles on my back , Oh , my heck I see some more they're growing down my crack.

We have had a VERY busy week, and next week is nuts as well . I will have lot's of pictures to post this weekend. Until then my lame song will have to do. Hope everyone is well. Remember that you are loved, and that I am SO thankful for all you do. Love, Cork

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Going Crazy, Care to Come Along?

So, I don't have much time but I thought I should blog something, because I don't know when I will get another chance.
Christmas has hit!! I love this time of the year, I really do, don't like all the "stuff" that comes with it. The total feelings of being overwhelmed, and feeling like a chicken with it's head cut off. Totally nuts. Still don't have the tree up, need to do some grocery shopping, already sick and tired of shopping, ( I used to love to shop, not so much anymore) Parties to go to, some I am so exited to attend , others " do we really need to go" Christmas dance programs, so happy Brooklyn likes to dance, but do we really need to put a dance program in at Christmas. School programs, actually really exited for it, all three kids in one program !! Audra is so happy , she is in the school choir, and they are singing at Karcher Mall next Friday, and then at a few rest homes as well as the schools program, it is great to see her so exited about it, but it also means Mom will be attending all those things.
My concert this weekend . LOVE IT!! a bit nervous, just haven't got my music all down. Don't know what it is but I have had a hard time memorizing it all this go round. So exited for the white elephant gifts at the concert after party. Derrick and I laugh for days about those gifts.
Can't believe Porter is 7 tomorrow. Makes me a little sad.
So, concert practice last night, set up tonight , practice Thursday morning, practice Thursday night, performance Friday night, performance Saturday afternoon, party at 7:00 for R.S. party at 8:00 at Laur's . Sunday, church, gotta visit 2 wards, and Sunday night Porter's family party. What in the world was I thinking having a baby on concert weekend. Did I not think it though , that every year we would have his birthday the same week as concert. CRAZY !!
The kids are getting into the spirit of Christmas. We have been working on school Christmas boxes. They love this. We let them pick out all the stuff to put in the boxes. I think they just like knowing that they are helping a kid out. They think it is so cool. They like to try and guess who got their box. Last year Brooklyn saw a little girls about her age wearing the gloves Brooklyn had put in her box, she was convinced that little girl had gotten the box she had made.
Hope all is well with everyone. Know that I am thankful for you, and all that you do. You are loved and thought about and prayed for . Cork

Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble Gobble, Ho, Ho, Ho.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that all were able to focus on the many things that we truly are blessed with. The 5 Legg's had a very nice Thanksgiving . We were able to spend some time with family on both sides as well as a little time just hanging out at home. Thanksgiving day, we had "lunch" with my side of the family. This is a time that we get to see, and visit with cousins, aunts and uncles. There are so many of us that we have to use the gym at my grandma and grandpa Loveland's church building. It is so nice to see everyone, and catch up with all of them. The kids all go up so much in a year.

After eating way to much ( those Loveland women know how to cook) we came home and started making the rolls for the Legg gathering. We got over to their house around 4:30 or so, and just hung out for a while, visiting with J.O and Bee while Brooklyn chased the grand dogs. Bee and J.O. have 5 cute and energetic dogs: Gunner and Paris ( both pugs, and parents to our Spazzy Jazzy) they are also bother and sister ( that explains A Lot about our dog)Tanker is a Basset , Dixie and Trigger are both Bull dogs. When Bee and J.O. come to visit our Brooklyn is in 7th heaven. I think we have a vet in the making. Anyway, grandpa made some yummy ham and we had a great meal, and just chilled out at their house.

This morning Derrick ( yes you read correctly) Derrick went shopping. For any of you who know Derrick very well, you know that he does NOT like to shop, but as I have said before I have an incredible husband. I was willing to go, but he felt that as he would be leaving me though out the day ( Broncos last game) I should get as much sleep as I could, and although it was a kind thought, when he got up at 4:30 , so did I . I tried for about an hour to go back to sleep, and finally gave in and took some Tylenol P.M. ( note: if any one needs that extra hour or two of sleep, best to do it an your own. I walked around like a zombie most of today) So... Derrick went shopping. He found some great deals, on a few things, but just not much that was on our kids wish list.

This afternoon we pulled out the Christmas stuff. I think we will start the tree tomorrow, so if you see me Sunday, I may have war wounds from our tree. That brings us to " the Tree" Like the lights I like the tree " just so" that is why we have 2 trees. One in the living room, that the kids call " Mommy's tree" and one in the family room that is the family tree. I spend hours and hours putting the lights on the tree, and decorating it, till I think it is just right. Crazy yes, but also SO satisfying for me. The family tree we do all together, and to tell the truth it is a lot funner. We play Christmas music and sing along and talk about past Christmases. It is such a blessing to be a family.

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and that you are felling loved and appreciated. I am thankful for you, and for the person that you are. Please remember that you are loved.

P.S. Pics and info on trees to come.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sweet Stuff

This past weekend we had a bunch of sweet things happen.

On Saturday, Derrick ( my AWESOME husband ) put the Christmas lights up on the house. This is a hard job for anyone, but poor Derrick has to put up with me " nicely" shouting up at him, just to let him know what lights need to be straightened and pulled tight. Derrick had been at it for about half an hour or so , when Brooklyn decided she wanted to help. She is the dare devil of the kids and also LOVES to help us with whatever we are doing.So, before I go any further I need to tell you all of Brooklyn and the Christmas lights.

While I was in the hospital, after I had Porter, Derrick ask if he could do something to help me with Christmas preparations. I ask him to put the lights up on the house. As we pulled up to the house a few days later , I noted that the lights were on the house in an interesting way. ( yes I like the lights just so) Instead of saying anything ( didn't want to hurt Derrick's feelings) I decided that as soon as he went back to work , and Audra was back at school, I would fix the lights.

Two days later life went back to somewhat normal, and Derrick was of to work, and Audra was back at school. ( yes I was going crazy, I wanted the lights fixed!!) So, I bundled myself up, got the baby monitor( both Brooklyn and Porter were fast asleep in their cribs) and hicked myself up onto the roof. I had left the front door a tiny bit open, just in case , and I went into the house every 15 minutes or so to check on the kids. Anyway, I was just about finished when I hear my sweet Brooklyn's voice say " Mama what ya doing" ( Brooklyn was 2 , almost 3) At first I thought I was hearing her on the baby monitor, but as I turned around there she stood, on the pitch of our roof. ( laugh or scream now) A sense of panic swept over me, I wanted to run, and make sure she was O.K., but I didn't want her to freak out( even if I was) so as calmly as I could I walked over to her , and picked her up, and ask her " how did you get up here?" she pointed to the ladder and says, I went up the stairs. My little baby had gotten out of her crib. ( something she had never done before) and come out the front door, and climbed up a 12 foot ladder. I learned a few things that day. Standing in the front yard " nicely shouting" directions at my husband is a much safer way to put up the lights. Brooklyn can and will do anything if she doesn't know it is dangerous. Brooklyn is NOT afraid of heights, and going down a 12 foot ladder is A Lot harder if you are holding a 2 year old.

So, this Saturday as Brooklyn climbed out the window to help Derrick, a rush of memories came. She amazes me !! How is it that she can't seem to walk a straight line down on the ground, but she can keep her balance on the roof. She and Derrick had been working on the lights for about an hour or so when Porter decided he wanted to help. He did great for about 45 minutes or so, and then he wanted back on solid ground. So, the lights are up, and they look GREAT !!

Saturday morning Derrick went out with Audra for a church activity . All the youth met and divided up into groups to go into different neighborhoods to pass out Book of Mormons.The Wednesday before they had glued a piece of paper into the Book of Mormons , with their testimonies on them. I was blessed with a spoon full of the Lords tender mercies that day. I was blessed enough to be the one to help Audra type her testimony. For those who know Audra, you know that she doesn't know how to lie, so when she says she knows the gospel is true ,she KNOWS. When she says that she knows that Christ atoned for all of our sins, she KNOWS. When she says that she Loves our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ, she LOVES them. What a blessing to have such a sweet and simple testimony. She is so innocent and so pure. I pray that she will stay this way, that she will be protected for the evils of this world. I pray for all my kids, that angels will guide them and protect them, from this world.

Anyway, we had a great weekend, and start of the week. Yesterday, Porter had a Thanksgiving program at school. SO cute. They all had lines to say, and sang all these cute songs. He was so great up there singing and flapping his arms around like a bird. Made Mom so proud. ( Thanks to Grandma Legg and Grandpa Loveland for coming, it meant a lot to Porter and me.)

Audra and I have been working on this big project for school. ( More info, and pictures to come) She is so exited about this game project. It's nice to work with her on it.

O.k. I think I have taken up enough of your time. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Please remember that you are loved, and that I am thankful for all you do.

Sweet Stuff

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Song ( It's a Beautiful Life)

I heard this song on T.L.C. for the John and Kate plus 8 show. I fell in love with it. It was just a reminder that this is a beautiful life, and world. We are so blessed. Even when things are tough, and nothing seems to be going our way, we are blessed to have the opportunities to grow and learn. I have been blessed to live in places where people feel so blessed just to have a roof over their heads even if it is a cardboard roof, I have seen kids that are sick and malnourished. I think we sometimes forget ( at least I do) how very blessed we are. Things could always be worse. I hope to take the time to feel the blessings I have been given, and to recognize that every breath that I take is a gift, a gift that someone else in this world doesn't have anymore. I love you all, Cork

Monday, November 10, 2008


This last weekend we had parent teacher conferences with all three of the kids teachers. I knew that things were going fine in all their classes( I try and volunteer, at least once a week in each of their classes) So anyway, I have the chance to talk to their teachers on a regular bases. I went to Brooklyn's P.T. conference and was able to see ( on paper) how much her reading has improved) She is doing so well , and I am so happy for her.She is getting to feel success, and it suits her. So, as we were getting ready to go I went to get something from the office. The principal just happened to be there and as I walked in she got this big grin on her face, and started singing, " I know something you don't know" ( this lady is great, I love her.) She then proceeds to tell me that what we have been waiting for is finally going to happen. Porter, is in . He made it into the school !! I am telling you, people 5 miles away heard me scream. We are all so happy. All 3 kids at one school.

So anyway, Porter had his first day today. I was more scared for him, than he was scared. I ( like always, being overprotective) wanted to make the transition as smooth as possible. We had somewhat prepared him for it already. We had made sure he had met the teacher, seen the classroom, and even met a few of the kids. I don't know what I was expecting ( maybe a few tears) this morning as I walked him into his new class, but all I got was" I'm good Mom, I love ya, see ya later."A quick hug and kiss on the cheek later he was arm in arm with is teacher and one of the boys in his class. Normally I think I would have been a little sad, but in this case I was so happy. Just as I was leaving I heard Porter tell the class, " I've been waiting to get here forever, and now I am finally here." He had them all laughing , his teacher had a full on belly laugh going on. Made me feel great!!

O.K. that was not the only thing that happened this weekend. For starters, Derrick took the day off on Friday, so that we could celebrate my birthday. I had such a great time with him. We went out to lunch, and did some shopping. The best part is just to be able to sit and talk . I absolutely LOVE spending time with Derrick. We have so much fun together. We laugh A LOT !!
Saturday, Derrick went to the Boise State game, and I finished getting ready to feed the Bishops and their wife's as well as the High Council. Derrick got home just in time to pick me up, and we headed over to the church to get things going. I think it went well, other than we forgot about our gluten free sisters ( sorry) Next year, we will be better prepared.
That night we had the adult session of stake conference. Grandma and Grandpa Legg watched the kids while we attended the meeting, and they got to go to their most favorite place to eat ( Golden Corral)

Sunday was great as well. Stake Conference, and my Dad came for dinner. My Mom is in California with my sister ( Nen) who had her baby boy , Trent, 1 hour and five minutes to late. She had him November 6th at 12:05 a.m. I told her that if she had him on my birthday, she would have to name him after me. I think that is why she held out another hour. He is such a cute little boy. I figured out how to copy the pictures she sent , and post them. ( She can be taught)

Let's see. Audra got a new 7th grade home room teacher. She was a little nervous ( it is a man teacher) But after she met him, and was able to talk to him and get to know him a little better, she was at ease.

Brooklyn had a field trip this morning. We went to Borah high, and watched a one man show on the life of Michael Angelo) They covered up all the " parts" in his nude sculptures and painting , but I am glad I had talked to Brooklyn before hand, and I am sure I will have some explaining to do after school. We had a good time, and she seemed to be O.K. with the whole "human body as art"

I am off to get the kids, have a great week. Remember that you are loved , and that I am thankful for all that you do.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trick or Treat

We hope that all had a great Halloween, and that all of you are doing well.

For us, Halloween was a lot different than we have ever had. Audra went to her first Halloween party.( she went as Dorothy, from the Wizard of OZ.) She did great !! Thanks to the Smith family for having such a fun, cool party. Audra was so funny. She wanted to go to the party, but was not so sure about the whole boy/girl party. She finally decided that she would try it out, but just for 1 hour. The timer started as soon as she got out of the car, and the timer get off just as we pulled up to the house to pick her up. Guess what , She had a great time. We were so proud of her. She is growing up way to fast for my liking, and it is hard to find that line of protecting her, and letting her go. We are working on it.The fallowing day she went to a friends birthday party. Five of the girls from her school, went and saw High School Musical 3, and then went out for pizza. Audra had a great time !! We feel so blessed to have her in the school she is in. It is a tight group of kids. All the kids know each other, and they take care of one another. Audra has made great friends at school. These girls love Audra just the way she is, and they treat her with love and respect. I LOVE IT , and am so grateful for the school.

Brooklyn had a great time on her first official trick or treat. After a quick stop at Grandma and Grandpa Loveland's, and running a few errands , we were off and running. We hit all the houses in our neighborhood, and then walked down the road, and got a bunch more. After taking Audra to the party, we headed to some of the people in our wards houses. After picking Audra up, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Legg's. It was fun to watch Brooklyn ( all dressed up, like a medieval princess) run from house to house. She was way into it. She liked to see all the houses decorated. She and Porter only got scared once. ( this creepy guy, dressed up all in black , with glowing red eyes.) All in all a great time was had. Brooklyn is doing great in school. The reading group she is in has already helped her so much. She has made some good friends at school, but still misses and loves her friends at her old school. The girls didn't have school on Halloween day, and so when I went to help in Porter's harvest party, Brooklyn went down to Mrs. Fly's class and was able to hang out with some of her friends. She was so exited to see them all.

Porter was our mighty protector, all dressed up like Indiana Jones. We got him this "whip" that played the theme song from the movie when you press a button. Lets just say, that I have heard that song enough to last me a life time. He did great trick or treating ,for about half and hour, and then he wanted to go home. It took him a bit, to get back into it, but he came around , and by the time it was time to go home, he didn't want to. He loved swinging his "whip" around , pressing the music button , and having people tell him what a great Indiana Jones he made. ( this is funny to me, because Porter has never seen any of the movies, yet he played the part SO will.) Porter is doing well in school. We are still waiting for him to get into the same school as the girls. Hopefully that will happen soon.

Derrick is doing great at his new job. He is learning so much, and his new boss is happy with what he is doing. We feel so blessed that he has this opportunity. We know of a lot of folks that have lost their jobs or have been laid off. We recognize what a blessing it is to have a job, and are truly thankful, for both of his jobs.

As for me, today I am officially 36 years old. I had a hard time at 30,and I think 40 will be hard, but really it's just another day to be thankful that I am here, that I have been so blessed to have the gospel, to know who I am , and that the plan of happiness is real. I am so thankful for my dear husband and best friend. I recognize how blessed I am to be a mother to 3 of our Father in Heavens greatest spirit children. I am truly blessed to be as healthy as I am, and to live in a free country ( even if I am not happy with the presidential outcome. Isn't it great that we live in a country where we have the privilege to vote) I am thankful for those men and women who have fought so hard to keep our freedom, and payed the ultimate price. I am thankful to have true friends who love me in spite of all the dumb things I say and do. I love ya !!
To all out there who may read this, please know that I am thankful for you, and for all the things that you do. We are all truly blessed to have each other in our lives.

Have a great and wonderful day !!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Watch Out Here I Come

In our neighborhood, skate boards, and scouters are a big thing. Most of our neighbors have ramps that someone built for them to practice tricks on.

Porter has been asking us for his own practice ramp for a few weeks, and we have been putting him off. Deciding that Derrick and I were not responding to his request fast enough, Porter took it to the one man he knows can do anything, and make anything, Grandpa Loveland.

All it took was Porter asking grandpa to make him a ramp so he can practice his tricks on his ( spider man ) scouter, and grandpa was off and going. Within a week Porter had his own personal ramp. Grandpa Loveland loves projects.

The ramp is just right for Porter. Just high enough that he can get a bit of air, and get that butterfly in the stomach feeling, but not high enough to hurt him, or make him scared.

I am not sure why ( maybe because it is new) but Porter's ramp has become the ramp that everyone wants to play on. He and Brooklyn have loved having everyone over, even as it drives Mom and Audra up the wall.

Audra has found peace from all the noise, up in her room, deeply enthralled in her Harry Potter books. She is on the last book, so if anyone has a suggestion of another good series of books that she could start on, I am open to those suggestions. The only series she has said , she " doesn't want to read right now, but maybe when she is older" is the Twilight series. She's not into the "love stuff" yet.

The kids are all exited for Halloween, Audra is going to dress up as Dorothy, from the wizard of OZ. She isn't going trick or treating ,but will attend her first Halloween party , and then she has agreed to pass out candy at the house. Brooklyn, is going as a medieval princess. She and Porter a exited to go trick or treating for real. They have never gone house to house. I'm not sure they have been missing out on anything , but they are exited non the less.

Derrick is working hard, ( what else is new) he still likes his new job, and is learning so much. Church is keeping him busy as well, but he loves to serve and is learning so much from our good bishop.

Me, well I think I am finally getting over the flu. I am back on my feet, and on the move. The other day I had something funny and sad happen. I had gone to pick Porter up from school, and remembered that I needed to go in and talk to one of the teachers. So as I went in I offered to give Porter a piggy back ride ( not because he was tired , and not because he needed one) just because I still can, and we have a fun time as I run or skip, or try and pinch his bum. So, anyway we were walking down the hall at his school, and one of the teachers made a comment about Porter being to old for a piggy back, and that " he isn't a baby anymore" . I tryedto not look shocked at her comment and the tone in which she said it, but in the end I know she new I was not happy. I told her that as long as my son was small enough to give a piggy back to, I would be happy to do it. It is a way that he and I play, and we both enjoy it. Needless to say she was shocked, and a little taken back. I didn't mean to offend her, but after some thought, I have decided I would do the same thing again. I have also thought, of how sad it is that a teacher or anyone for that reason would question the love shown by as simple act of a piggy back ride, and the desire to laugh and have fun with my son.

Here is the fact( according to me) Kids are forced to grow up way to fast in this society, and as long as I can still play with my kids, I Will !! If I could still put Audra on my back, I would. She is to big, I have excepted that I can't have that kind of play with her anymore. Brooklyn is just about there. The time will come that I won't be able to do that with Porter , and I will miss it, so I choose to cherish this time, and to play with him whenever and however I can.

We hope and pray that you are all well, please remember that you are loved, and I am thankful for all you do.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Do flu shots work for real

A few weeks ago I got my flu shot. Since then I have strep throat twice and now I have the flu. So, I am just wondering do flu shots really work. It seems that every year I go in and get my flu shot, a few weeks later I have the flu. Isn't getting a flu shot supposed to help you, "not" get the flu. Maybe I am wrong on this one. The flu shot helps my husband and my kids stay well,unfortunately it doesn't do me any good.
I do not like being sick. I seem to be tired all the time, and things fall apart. I am blessed with an incredible husband, who does his best, and my kids are awesome at doing their part, but when I can't do the things I normally do, I go a little nuts. What usually happens is that I get sick and tired of being " sick and tired" and I make myself get up, and do all the things I have fallen behind on, as well as all the normal things I do. Then I pay for it for the next few days, and then the cycle repeats.
I know it's crazy, I just can't sit around and be sick. Mom says it's because I'm my Dads daughter, and Dad said it's because I'm my Mothers daughter. I love this time of year, I just don't like how ill I tend to get .

O.k. so I am finished complaining.

No big news on the Legg front.

Derrick is working hard. He likes his new job, and is learning so much.

Audra, is doing great. She is going through her classes at school with no modifications. That just means that she is doing all the stuff all the other kids are doing. She is holding her own. She would be getting straight A's if we put the modifications in place, but she is able to do "normal" work, and still pull B's and C's. So we are going to let her keep on that track.

Brooklyn, is doing well. We put her in an after school reading group. They meet every Monday for an hour. She likes it a lot. It is helping her make up for the terrible year she had last year. Our family is working on memorizing" My Gospel Standards" Brooklyn almost has them all down. She is such a sweet girl.

Porter, is so funny. His school is having red ribbon week this week. Today was wear your favorite hat day. This morning I totally forgot, I only remembered when I saw Porters teacher at the door wearing a cowboy hat. I ask Porter which hat he would like me to bring him, and he wanted his red top hat.
Here is the deal, last Christmas Porter decided that he wanted to be a magician. His biggest wish for Christmas was a top hat " all magicians have to have a top hat" he said. So I started looking around for top hats. They aren't to hard to find, but a "Red " top hat is. I looked just about everywhere I could think of , and then one day after doing some shopping at Dessert Book Derrick happened to walk down to check out another store, as he was walking he passed the Jokers Wield store, and guess what. You guessed it , there in the window was a RED TOP HAT.
Can I just say, it was so weird and uncomfortable to walk into that store, much less to by something in that store. But what were we to do. Needless to say, Porter LOVES is red top hat.
It's a one of a kind. I don't know any other 6 year old boys with a red top hat. You gotta love him.
We hope everyone has a great week. Remember that you are loved, and that we appreciate all that you do.

Love, The 5 Leggs
P.S. I Know the picture of Porter isn't so great.
I want a new camera for Christmas, so I can take better pictures. Anyone have suggestions on a good camera that wont cost us an arm and a leg.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Saddler Day at the Legg's

Last night Heather called, Brian had a few things he needed to do here in Idaho, and she wanted to see if Kade and Ryleigh could come hang out at our house for a few hours . She didn't even need to finish her sentence. I was so happy to have them, and Porter and Brooklyn were in 7Th heaven. Then I had the idea of trying to have a birthday party for Ryleigh. So her birthday isn't for another month, but the 3 amigas have not had a birthday away from one another for 6 years.
I had it all planned out, we left at 10:00 a.m. got the cake, the presents, the balloons, and by 11:00 we were picking up the pizzas. I thought I would have time to set everything up before they got here. I was wrong. Darn that Brian, he must drive fast( Ha, Ha) Anyway we got home shortly after they got here. Ryleigh was still surprised. Kade, Porter, Brooklyn and Ryleigh played outside , had pizza, and just got caught up on what is going on in there lives.
After Sarah got to the house, the party really started, they played outside a little longer, then it was time for cake and ice cream, and opening presents.
I have now seen what a little to much sugar and a new Jonas Brothers C.D. can do to three 8 year old girls. Our family room became a disco room. It was so great to see the 3 amigas having so much fun together. Heather, thanks so much for letting them come, and Brian , thanks so much for bringing them.
Porter and Kade did great, like always.
The boys rode bikes, ran around, jumped on the tramp, and played trains, pet shops, and pirates. I don't think they ever stopped talking. They just had so much to say to each other.
I thought I would share some pics of the girls and boys. These kids have been friends for years, they love each other and take care of each other. Through the changes of life, these kids will have each others back. What a great thing to have in this day and age. We love you guys, and are so thankful for all our good friends

Monday, October 13, 2008

The GREAT Pumpkin

Hi to all,
We hope that you had a great week and weekend.
The 5 Legg's are doing just great. We spent Saturday at " The Berry Ranch." We had promised the kids that we would go last weekend between the conferece seseons, but it raind most of that day, this time there was no getting out of it. Neither, rain, wind or cold could keep us from our appointed destination.
Even with the bad weather we had a fun time. It was great to run though the pumpkin patches to find just the right one. Derrick and I tried to convince the kids that we just needed one BIG pumpkin. ( They wouldn't go for it) I think we found one of the biggest pumpkins I have ever seen. (you can't see the whole pumpkin in the pictures, I am telling you this thing was huge)
Anyway, after a cold hay ride to and from the pumpkin fields, and petting the pigs and sheep, and a quick run thought the hay maze, we headed home for some hot chocolate to " defrost our bones" Audra said.
Saturday night was spent watching B.S.U. win yet again. ( GO, Go, GO, big Blue) We went to Kari and Kaiana Hoopii's house ( my cousin and her husdand ) and hung out with them and Steve and Lynee. We had great food, great conversation, and watched a great game. The kids got along so well. At one point in the night they had 3 kids inside the dogs cage. Oh, the things kids come up with to entertain themselfs.

I posted some pictures of my folks and I duing apples last Monday. It took us all morning and into the afternoon to get them all finished, but it was worth it. The apple souce is so yummy.
I forgot to say, that on Friday, we were able to have a baby shower for one of our old babysitteres. ( you know you are getting old when your babysitters are having babies.) The kids got a chance to go out, and pick a few pumpkins from Grandpa Leggs patch.
All in all I guess you could say we had a pumpkin filled weekend. We hope all are well, and know how much we are thankful for all you do.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hi to all.
Wow, what a last few weeks we have had. First and most importantly, Audra tuned 13. We have a teenager in our home. She had a friend party last Friday. She and a few of her friends painted ceramics, had pizza, as well as cake and ice cream. It is such a great blessing to have her in our family. We are truly blessed !!! Friday night we went to Derrick's folks house to see his uncle Terry ( he came to visit, and to have some work done on his hands) We had not seen him in 5 years. Derrick's aunt Kelly, also came to hang out with her brothers. It was so nice to see her again. She is such a great person. ( Kelly if you read this, anytime you want to come back, we would LOVE to have you.)
Saturday, brought a full day of fun, stress and excitement.
My sister Nen and her family came from California to have there oldest daughter baptized. It was so great of them to come , so that we all could share in such a special day with them. The kids loved seeing there " far away" cousins.
After the baptism and confirmation, I began my long day at the stake center. It was long, it was hard work, and it was GREAT !!!!
I love the sisters in our stake . These ladies are divine daughters of God. It was such an incredible experience to be in there presence, to feel of there spirits. I am truly blessed to know these women.Thank you all . I hope you know how much I love you, I am thankful for you, and pray for you always. The talks of the night brought much to think about, and pray about. I hope everyone that was able to watch and listen to the broadcast felt the love of our Savior poured out on them.
We had some fun with the dessert portion of the dinner, as you can see by some of the pictures. What great men !! Willing to help in whatever way they can. Even if that means cutting open the sherbet containers and using knifes , and whatever sharp object they could find, to make sure we all got our dessert. THANK YOU so much, brethren. We could not have done it without you.
To my dear husband, I LOVE You. I now I have told you over and over again, how thankful I am for your love and support, and for all your hard work this last weekend, but I want everyone who reads this to know . I LOVE DERRICK !! I truly married up.
Saturday night brought sickness to our home. Porter had not felt well for a few days, and Brooklyn had started with a runny nose, but that night they both had fevers and got very little sleep. I was worried, because earlier in the week I went to the doctor and found out I had strep thoart. I was afraid both of them might have it. What a blessing that it was not strep. Just a cold. Audra is not feeling well now, and I think hers is more serious than a cold. Her ears are bothering her, so I think I will be taking her to the doctor tomorrow.
Sunday , I stayed home with the kids. We were all tired , and with Porter and Brooklyn not feeling well, we felt it best not to take it to church, and get everyone else sick.
Sunday night we had a small family birthday party for Audra. She had a great time , until she started not feeling well. She actually went to bed early. The only time she does that ( or takes naps) is when she is sick.
I kept all 3 kids home on Monday. Well actually we spent most of the day at my Mom and Dad's house. canning pears. The kids hung out in the apartment next to the garage, while my folks and I worked on pears and pear jelly. It was a lot of work, but the pears are so pretty, and yummy, it was worth it. I did learn a good lesson. Sugar burns HURT !! My hand has healed well, but,boy oh boy I never want to burn my hand like that again.
Tuesday, was back to school for everyone, and yet another day for me to be a wittness of the Lords tender mercies.
I had planed to stay at Brooklyn and Audra's school to help in there classes. I was feeling tiered and wanted to just come home and catch some more sleep, but the closer to the school we got the more I felt I needed to stay. O.K. so anyone that knows me well, knows that sometimes I am not the brightest tool in the shed, so I just kept making up reasons why I shouldn't stay. Finally as a went to open the door to let them out, I was TOLD to stay, so I did. I was not sure why I needed to , but I stayed. At 9:30 the principal came and told me that they were going to be having a fire drill. The noise from the alarms is really hard on Audra, and with her already not feeling well, it would have put her over the edge. I needed to be there, and because I listened and because the Lord knows my kids so well, and loves them so much, I was there.
I was able to walk Audra out , before the alarms went off, and talk her though what was going on. It was so wonderful. After the fire drill finished, Brooklyn's teacher saw me, and quickly grabbed my arm, and as she was dragging me to her room, let me know that Brooklyn had gotten scared for and was worried for Audra. What a sweet little girl. She was not worried about herself, or if it was a real fire or not , she worried about her sister. Her teacher said that Brooklyn was crying , and was saying " this noise will scare Audra, can I see if she is O.K."
It is totally not allowed to run and go check on your sister in the middle of a fire drill, and this had made her even more upset.
I was able to be there with her, and Audra, and watch as my two great girls hugged each other. I stood and thought to myself," This is what true love lookes like." WOW !!
Wednesday I got to teach in Audra's class. 7Th and 8Th graders are a lot different that 3rd and 4Th graders.
Audra said I didn't imparise her to bad, and that I could teach her class again if I wanted to.So I am guessing that is a good thing.
I am sorry I didn't get this all put together sooner, as I have said, I am new at this, and I hope you all can be patient with me.
We hope and pray that all is well with you all, and want you to know how thankful we are for you.
If no one else tells you today. " Thank you for all you do, I appreciate you."

P.S. I put a piture of our flodded street, from the storm we had a week of so ago. It is supposed to rain an inch tomorrow. I guess we will see what that much rain does to our road.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Hi to all,

We hope everyone had a fun weekend.

We had abusy week last week. Derrick starts his new job today. He is exited , and scared, and sad to leave his co-workers. He will be spending 1/2 the day at his old job, and the other 1/2 of the day training for his new job.

On Friday , Derrick and I went to go see an art exhibit at the S.U.B. building at Boise State. Unfortunately the exhibit was closed. Just as we were getting ready to go, guess who we saw. THE WHOLE FOOTBALL TEAM !! We got to fallow them to the Homecoming rally. We gat to talk to a couple of the players, and listen to coach Pete. After a rally full of loud music and even louder collage students we headed to Cold Stone, and just walked around down town Boise ( one of my favorite things to do)

I am in full party planning mode. Audra will be turning 13 on the 23rd. She wants to go paint pottery for her party. I am also busy helping plan the General Relief Society meeting dinner. We are going to have a backed potato bar. We have a great group of ladies working on the dinner. I am sure that it will be wonderful.

Audra is doing well. We went to het heart doctor last week. Things look good. If she would just stop growing we could get it under control. We all know that is not going to happen any time soon, so in the mean time we just do what the doctors say.

Brooklyn, is doing well. She had a nasty spill at school last week, and cut her knee open . The next day she ran into the neighbors car with her bike. ( She is defiantly my daughter) Grace is not her middle name. She is really liking her new school, and has made some good friends.

Porter is doing great. He is such a fun boy. He makes us all laugh. He and Brooklyn have been pracicing there parts for the primary program. He wants to make sure he know all the songs, so that he can do " a good job" He is so blasted cute!!

We hope all is well with everyone. We love you, and pray for you.


The 5 leggs

Monday, September 8, 2008

FUn Weekend

We had such a fun weekend !! I picked the kids up from school and headed into Boise. We all got to see Derricks new office space, and meet some of his new coworkers. They seem like really nice ladies. After that we went to the Discovery Center. The kids love that place. So many hands on things, and there was hardly anyone there, so the kids didn't have to wait in line for anything.They had such a good time.

After the Discovery Center we went to the little park, just across the river. The kids played , and Brooklyn tried he hand at photography. ( See picture of Mom and Dad at the park.) After the park it was off to Arts in the Park. We all had fun looking at all the cool, fun, and interesting stuff and people. The kids liked the puppets the best. We sat down in the shade and just hung out and listened to the music.

By then we were all starving , so off to Wendy's we went. We got our tummy's full, and everyone was ready for bed. What a great day we had !!

Derrick starts his new job on Monday, and I have my first subbing job tomorrow. Audra has her big heart check up on Wednesday. We feel good about everything. She is doing well, but better safe than sorry. Brooklyn started tap last Thursday, and is in seventh heaven ( she gets ti be in class with her buddy Sarah). Porter is still on the waiting list to get into Visions, but in the mean time is enjoying his class, and has made some new friends.

We hope you all are doing well. Please know that we love you all, and that no matter where you may be, we pray for you always,

Love, the 5 Leggs

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day 2008

We hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. Our weekend started with the GREAT news that Derrick will have a new position at Boise Cascade come September 15Th. He will be moving into the accounting department, and working with the accounts receivable. This is a big step forward for him , and we feel so blessed for this opportunity. It is something new and different and will give Derrick the chance to learn and grow.

Friday, Audra was able to spend the night with her cousin Caitlin at Grandpa and Grandma Leggs house. They went out to dinner at her favorite place ( Golden Corral) had fun talking, playing and coloring. Back at home the rest of the 5 Leggs had a backyard camp out. We had Uncle Nate and Aunt Terrie over and had smores . ( Mom even let them make smores for breakfast on Saturday) Mom only made it till about 2:00 a.m. ( I do not like to camp out, not even in the backyard)

Saturday was Bronco day. Derrick, Brooklyn, and I went to the game with some of Derricks family, while Audra and Porter hung out at Grandma and Grandpa Loveland's. Brooklyn loved all the football goodies, Mom yelled and clapped a bunch, and Dad just sat back and enjoyed watching the Broncos win ( 49 to 7).

Monday was spent sleeping in ( one of my favorite things to do) and keeping a close eye on the hurricane. Derrick works with the Boise Cascade mill in Der rider Louisiana. It was scary for a while, but it looks like everything is going to be fine. Most important everyone is O.K. Out thoughts and prayers were with them , and we feel so blessed that those we know and love were kept from harm.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hi from The 5 Leggs

I can not believe that our summer has come to an end. Audra and Brooklyn started school yesterday ( 19th) and Porter started today (20th). I can't believe that all 3 of the kids are in school all day.
Audra has grown up so much. I was worried about the transition from 6th to 7th grade. I thought she might have a hard time. Boy was I wrong. I went to walk her to class, and she saw a group of girls from her class talking a little ways from us, she looked at me and said" I'm good, I 'll see ya later. " Then she ran off and joined in the conversation with the girls. I was left there to wonder what the heck just happened. I am happy to see her grow ( Sad, but happy.)

Brooklyn had a hard time. She is in a new school, with new people and a new teacher. I stayed with her for an hour , and even after that she cried when I left. I just wanted to take her home, but I was good and left her there. Her teacher said it took her just a few minutes and a few hugs to get her comfortable. She said her new school was a lot different , but that she liked it.

Porter started first grade today. He is still at Birch, but we are hoping that he will make it into Visions soon. ( He is #1 on the waiting list.) He was exited to meet his new teacher, and to see some of his friends. He wanted cold lunch , like his sisters, ( they don't have hot lunch at Visions) and he wanted to wear a uniform , like his sisters. What a great kid !!

Derrick and I are busy as always. Derrick is hard at work at his jobs, and at church. We feel so blessed to be able to serve . I have singed up to sub at a few of the local elementary schools,as well as at Visions. I am sure I will find ways to keep busy.

We love you all, and are so thank full for all that you do for us, and for others.

Some of my Favorites

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